Table of Contents

Adding Reviews 

To add a review:

  1. Select Review this entity (for example, an attorney)
  2. In the new window:
  • Select the attorney’s practice area: You will be choosing from among several practice areas in which you’d like to review the attorney. This allows for a more targeted and relevant evaluation of their expertise and performance in their respective field.
  • Select the relationship with the attorney and legal matter where you collaborated: Please select the relationship with the attorney and legal matter where you collaborated, choosing among these options: Co-counsel, Opposing Counsel, Former Colleague, or Outside Counsel.
  • Choose review visibility: Choose review visibility from the following options: Public, Anonymous, or Private.
  • Write your Review: You will be leaving a written review in various categories such as: Overall, Efficiency, Responsiveness, Negotiation, Strategy, Experience in the area, and Trial Capability

Note: To leave a review, create a Patexia account. For details on creating an account, refer to the section Creating Patexia Account.

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